Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'd like to see less of...I'd like to see more of....

This post is meant to be a starting point. I'll share a couple things I'd like to see less of and a few things I'd like to see more of... Then I'd like some others to join in. Everyone has something they'd like to see less of and more of; so here's your chance. Tell the World or hold your tongue.

I'd like to see (and hear) less people say "hold your tongue..." and other cliches like, "low hanging fruit", "path forward", "it's all about the people" etc.

I'd like to see (hear) more people just say what they really think and not filter it through societal expectations, political correctness, etc.

I'd like to see more people smile and say hi! Why pick and choose? Last time I checked there was no minimum allocation of good will to be shared with others. The person you say hi to might have just had their day made by your small gesture.

I'd like to see less stone faces, seriousness, and judgement. At times I feel like an old eastern block country where we need to check in with the government to see how many minutes we get to smile today. We live in the greatest country in the World, and with all its faults we get so many choices that others do not. And if all that fails, how about just taking in the gifts that are free, the air, the trees, the lakes, the innocence of kids, ice cream sundaes, really good coffee, really bad coffee but great company...its all good. Soak some of it up; its just waiting to get noticed.

I'd like to see more careless joy. Shouting to the heavens just for the heck of it. Stomping in puddles and getting soakers and not bitching about it. Walking in the rain on a warm summer day...and not bitching about it. Marvelling at the beauty of winter, the snow on the branches and staying out too long until your toes feel numb...then bitching about it, but then taking a hot bath or shower and realizing how awesome it feels. Hanging out with kids and trying to figure out their logic and laughing when you can't.

I'd like to see less protocol, rules, policies, restrictions...I just don't like people telling me what to do. I'd definitely like to see less Robert's Rules of Order. I hate that shit. I don't like to make motions and I don't want to be recognized just so I can have the floor. What would I do with it anyway? I drive bureaucrats crazy when I make a motion and then wait a few moments and second my own motion...

I'd like to see more common courtesy. I won't give you my floor, but if you have something to say, I'd like to listen. If we are all so rude that we need some parliementary rules to govern our movements...well that's just wrong. And I do second that motion.

I'd like to see less reality shows.

I'd like to see more reality.

I'd like to see less texting and more talking.

I'd like to see someone read my non-verbal communication through a blackberry.

I'd like to see more politicians being civil and actually thinking win-win...on second thoughts, no I wouldn't.

I'd like to see less politicians. In fact, I don't want to see them at all.

Hey, this was fun. You've got to try it. Let your mind go, have some fun with it. Thhink of it as a mental freestyle run. What would you like to see less of and more of?


  1. I'd like to see less of Brett Favre on the football field.

    I'd like to see more willingness to be embarrassed or admit that you're human at least!

    I'd like to see less talking and more connecting.

    I'd like to see more people empowered to make wise decisions on their own and less of the government controlling things.

    I'd like to see more comments on this blog ;o)

  2. Thanks Jaime. I especially like that last line.
