Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm going to keep this one short. In life, we are taught to compete from the earliest of ages. Whether it is a parent trying to dress their little ankle biter daughter like a prom queen, or a dad tryng to make their four year old the toughest kid in day care; we learn competition before we can even spell it. Seriously, look at youth sports today; oh sure, the everyone gets a trophy has taken some of the edge off of it, but before they hit double digits the everyone gets a trophy gives way to making the "competitive" or "travelling" or "A" team. And don't think kids don't feel the anxiety their parents have over it.

And you non-athletic types aren't altogether off the hook. Competition for grades, for who gets into the best college, for first seat in the band etc. It goes on and on. There just aren't as many bloody noses involved.

So when we are all grown up and we hit the real world, how on earth do we switch gears and learn about abundance? What abundance you say?

The abundance of a good attitude. Cornnnnnnnnny! Yeah, too bad. I like it. We get to choose each and every day whether we will respond positively to what happens. That's right even when the shiz hits the fan, we have a choice to respond and the choice is ours.

How about the little things? Like walking down the hallway; do we say "hi, how's it going?" to everyone? And if not, why not? It might just make someone's day. How about smiles? Is there a limit on those too. Try it with the "hi" that I'm talking about. That will certainly make someone's day. In the end, when you see the smiles coming back, you will be the one having a good day.

My challenge to you is look at every aspect of your day. Just one day. And examine all the possibilities to show a positive attitude. Better yet, mentally go through a morning. Write down every potential opportunity to show a positive attitude. You better allow yourself some time because with a little imagination you will uncover the many possibilities. Start with the smile, the hi, a compliment...and then do it again.

A group of students at Purdue University set out one day to give out free compliments. They set up a sign and proceeded to assess every person walking by. They would take a moment and think of a genuine compliment to give before the person walked away. After interviewing a number of the recipients the jury returned with an overwhelming approval of the practice. "I thought it was strange at first and then I realized, it really felt good," said one of the recipients.

You don't have to set up a sign or booth to make this change. You just have to choose it. It is as simple as that. Good luck.

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